Recharge your energy

Light bulb moment

The focus in the media has mainly been on those who lost their job or business due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But what about those who worked through it all? For some, the pressure and stress has been huge. Trying to keep up with demand or designing innovative ways to support valuable customers.

Now restrictions are being lifted and there seems to be even more pressure as we look to the future. The demands, the deadlines and expectations of work leave many of us feeling exhausted. As we enter a transition phase the question is asked: “How do we effectively re-energise ourselves so we are  able to keep going?”

In order to recharge we need to recognise the costs of energy-depleting behaviours and then take responsibility for changing them.  If during Covid-19 you found yourself working long hours every day of the week, these behaviours need to change. Establishing simple rituals can lead to many beneficial results.

Here are our top 5 actions for effectively re-energising to stay motivated and increase performance:

Find activities to fuel you

For extroverts, it could be having a meal with friends or family, having quick catch up phone calls throughout the day or working in open workspace for example. For introverts, activities could involve reading, painting, journaling, spending time in nature, or working in a quiet and private environment for example.

Make sleep your number 1 priority

Sleep is undoubtedly the most powerful restorative tool we have. In reality, even small amounts of sleep deprivation undermine our body’s capacity to repair. The reality is that we are not designed to run like a computer; continuously at high speed for long periods of time. Set an alarm to remind yourself to go to bed each evening at a time that allows enough sleep. You’ll thank yourself in the morning.

Do random acts of kindness

Leaving a kind review or a comment, buy a coffee for a stranger or writing a thank you letter are some ways you can do it. The positive impact on others will recharge you and give you that positive feeling that lasts longer than the action.

Experience novelty

Work in a different environment, take a different route, hop on a random bus, go to a new place, meet new people or learn or try something new. And even when you’re doing routine things, try to notice new things. Set yourself a challenge – like noticing ten new things on a path you’ve walked hundreds of times.

Manage energy rather than time

Energy is a fundamental of high performance and yet we misuse it. Eating highly processed, refined foods and high sugar tends to be a go-to choice when stress or feeling pressured.  Instead, choose nourishing foods to make natural energy to fuel your body. Nourishing foods, exercise and staying hydrated helps to boost your energy in a natural way.

Enjoyed these tips? We have so much more available in our PD training workshops. We can help with tangible tools and support. Check out what’s on offer:

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